Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Taken for granted...

I just read something that opened my eyes in a way that was much needed. That person knows who she is and I won't say much other than...thank you! And even a thank you isn't enough. I can't stop thinking about how selfish I've been lately and how I have taken the gift of mother-hood for granted.  I shouldn't be complaining that Kaylee is fussy, or Isaac is driving me crazy. I have this terrible way of letting negativity take over. From now on (I'm not perfect) but I will try and remember to be grateful for the blessings I have and to be grateful for the beautiful children I have, and the most amazing gift of being their mom, and when the negativity creeps in.... to think of those that have lost a child. To the mother's and father's that have.... words cannot express my deepest sympathies...but my heart goes out to you.


  1. jeanna, i am so glad you have a blog again:) i hope you don't mind if i check in!

    i appreciate that your perspective is now different. i think as a woman without children, the thing that drives me most crazy is when mom's only ever complain about their kids and in jest offer to give them to me. i am sure that being a mom is crazy, exhausting, overwhelming, and downright hard. but, motherhood is to be enjoyed too. life itself is to be enjoyed no matter what stage we are in. so take the time to enjoy it:)

  2. I think we live with blinders on. We can only see our own life, it's human nature. Motherhood is exhausting, overwhelming and hard but I also think that we drift into the negative because we do not take time for ourselves. We get so busy taking care of everyone else that we get lost. We loose ourselves and then subconsciously we start to resent our lot in life, then all we see is the bad and not the good. For some reason we have come to believe that if we think of ourselves or take time for ourselves we are somehow being selfish. It's NOT! So have a girls night out (even watching a DVD at a friends house). A weekend away without the kids and it will be easier to see the good when you have taken some time away from it.

  3. I cant help but comment on this. You have brought tears to my eyes, and sometimes that happens a lot and sometimes I go months without tears. Tonight they are good tears. anytime that someone tells me that Savannah's death has made them a better person, then I have just a little smile that there WAS some positive in her death, even though it is such a small amount. As for you taking those sweet kids for granted, well, we had that discussion in private, but I will say again that getting frustrated is normal, no matter what. Love you!
